Heyyyyyyyooo. So this recipe (if you use the oil) is 336 calories. Without the oil, it's 266! And honestly, you do NOT need oil to cook! I can't stress this enough!!!
Anyways, butternut squash doesn't give off NEARLY as much water as zoodles do. This is my number one complaint when I make zoodles. No matter how much I press them to try and get the liquid out, it just doesn't seem to work. Butternut squash (and spaghetti squash) give off basically no liquid, and taste just as good, even better, than zoodles.

What you'll need:
Mushroom 150g 33 calories
1/2 cup pasta sauce 128g 70 calories
2/3 ts oil 10g 79 calories
10.8 oz butternut squash spiral 296g 140 calories
Salt, onion & garlic powder, Italian spices, single almond 3 calories
= 658g // 1.4 lb of food for 336 calories (or 266 without oil)
What you'll need to do:
Chop mushroom and pulse in a food processor
Heat pasta sauce with mushrooms. Cook til mushrooms soften and add salt & spices
Bake butternut squash noodles with a sprinkle of salt & pepper at 400 for 15 minutes. I mixed mine with oil but that’s optional.
Top cooked butternut squash with mushroom pasta sauce
Finely grate an almond for the visual effect of Parmesan and sprinkle on top (optional). ENJOY
*Recipe from Rich Bitch Cooking